Famous mercenaries, storied heroes, magnets for trouble. But what happens exactly when you employ the Black Feather Three? Here is a tiny short that gives you a flavour (featuring characters from The Copper Promise)
Greetings Lord and Lady Anis’treyu,
You are quite right to contact us. As I’m sure you’ve heard, the Black Feather Three – led by the wily and industrious Copper Cat of Crosshaven – have been solving problems like this all across Ede, and for very reasonable fees. I won’t need to remind you, but when you hire our legendary band of mercenaries, you are paying (again, a very reasonable amount of coin) for three highly specialised specialists. Lord Aaron Frith of the Blackwood is Ede’s only practising mage, and as your ‘problem’ appears to be of the magical persuasion, I think I can say with some confidence that automatically makes us easily the most qualified to deal with it. Sir Sebastian Carverson, former knight, champion bar brawler and (I didn’t tell you this) a Warrior Who Has Dealt Directly With Forces of Actual Darkness, is an asset that hardly needs explaining. And as for myself, the aforementioned Copper Cat, I am certain my reputation will precede me – it’s all true, apart from that business at Sandshield, which was all a bit of a misunderstanding really.
I have attached an extra scroll detailing our fees and expenses, which wouldn’t quite all fit on this piece of parchment. I look forward to hearing back from you, and believe me when I say we are more than ready to deal with your infestation – just send the word. And the coin.
May the Graces keep you dry,
Wydrin ‘The Copper Cat’ Threefellows
Lord and Lady Anis’treyu,
Firstly, I would like to state that at no point was it explained to me the actual nature of your infestation – certainly, vague descriptions such as ‘a rum smell coming from the cellars’ and ‘a wailing at night, such as a thousand sea-beasts rutting in the distance’ are hardly adequate warning for what I was forced to deal with in the damp lower regions of your otherwise reasonably charming castle.
Secondly, I believe I dealt with the creatures admirably, given how little information was available to me. That your central ballroom briefly played host to one enormously inflated example of the creatures, which subsequently exploded, is hardly my problem; I do understand your concerns about your curtains, Lady Anis’treyu – my mother was similarly fond of her furnishings – but when dealing with the unpredictable wiles of magical creatures, one must occasionally sacrifice several feet of exquisite Relios silk, and a little dignity.
Following the incident in the ballroom, I formed the opinion that we should simply herd the creatures out into the surrounding countryside, encouraged by a number of well-placed fireballs. As you are aware, this did cause some alarm to the villagers living nearby and at least one cattle stampede was reported, but ultimately, and I feel this is the point, the infestation was removed from your cellar.
However, the creatures do appear to have thought this was all some sort of game, and much to my own personal aggravation, they have followed us home to Blackwood Keep. Consequently I must inform you that I will be driving them back towards your own castle shortly – I would take down your surviving curtains, if I were you.
Yours sincerely,
Lord Aaron Frith
Dear Lord and Lady Anis’treyu,
Please accept my sincerest apologies. I do know of several extremely skilled stone masons available in Ynnsmouth, who I am certain would be able to help with your current difficulties. If you would like their names, or even a hand with the clean-up, please do let me know, although I do of course understand completely if you would prefer not to entertain any member of the Black Feather Three on your property again.
Kindest regards,
In Isu’s name,
Sir Sebastian Carverson
Thank you Andy! It's always lovely to visit with them again.
Thanks Jen, that is (as expected) wonderful. It's great to have The Black Feather Three back again (😍❤️Wydrin❤️😍). For such a short piece it really does tell a whole lot of story. More of these please x